Grades K-3
The primary grades at Centennial Christian School are a formative time of inviting students into their role in God’s story. We want to nurture every student to desire to flourish as their own peculiar person: exploring creativity, play, and curiosity as we learn. We work together to establish foundational communication concepts and begin to examine the complex ways the world works.
Download the PDF Parent Handbook to find staff and program information, details about school operations, and a list of school policies.

Our smallest learners are unique and just beginning to explore what it means to know themselves in relationship to God. Kindergarten children learn best through concrete experiences in their immediate environment, and are given many opportunities to do so. If your child is heading to kindergarten next year, we invite you to take a look at our enrolment process and book a visit!

Grades 1-3
Our goals in grades 1-3 are to continue the work of shaping their understanding of being a child in God’s world. We work on building loving relationships with God and others, and get excited to gain knowledge and skills. We utilize our “outdoor classroom” as much as possible, and encourage hands-on learning.